Spa Wasted is proud to announce that we now offer CBD Massages with the best CBD oils and creams on the market. We also offer FDA approved zero THC - CBD oil (please let your therapist know if you need zero THC as we also have oils with less than 3% THC). This mean anyone can get a CBD Massage and not worrie about trace amounts of THC. Our CBD oil is also Non GMO, grown in the USA, and Organic.
So what is CBD?
Cannabidoil (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids that is identified in the cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the masses for having a wide scope of benifits - due to clinical reports and mounds of test data showing little to no side effects and lack of psychoactivity (typically associated with marijuana products and high TCH levels).
How does CBD work in the Human Body ?
CBD or cannabidiol is the main active compound in hemp, and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive, so it doesn’t make you high. In the human body there is the endocannabinoid system, with receptors that are spread throughout the brain and and body. Because of this, CBD has been show to help with the following:
- Anxiety Releif
- Neuroprotective
- Releives Pain
- Reduces Risk of Artery Blockage
- Anti-inflammatory
- Promotes Bone Growth
There are many other testimonies coming through on how CBD has worked for them. The best way to learn about CBD is to try it and see how it can help you with your chronic problems. For more inforamation about CBD, feel free to call our spa and we will be happy to answer any queations you have.
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